8 Ports SMS Gateway


8 Ports SMS Gateway8M35UC15-A, UC15-EL:230mm*W:130mm*H:150mm3.5kg


  1. Install SMSCaster as you would any other software, and close it after the installation is complete.
  2. Connect the GSM modem to your computer correctly. A prompt to install the driver should appear.
  3. Select the driver path for each port; the installation will proceed automatically.
  4. After completing the driver installation, start the SMSCaster. All ports should be available.

SMSCaster Software
SMSCaster program

⚠️ If the driver installation is unsuccessful, open the Device Manager on your computer.

Device Manager

a. Identify all the unusable ports in Universal Serial Bus controllers.

Device Manager

b. Right-click on each port and select Update Driver Software then choose Browse my computer for driver software.

Device Manager

c. Select the driver from the correct path and click Next.

Device Manager

d. After completing the driver installation, all ports will be detected.

Device Manager

How to change IMEI

  1. Open PuTTY and connect to the COM port associated with your module.

Device Manager

  1. Input the command ATE1 and press Enter. This command enables echoing so that the commands you type will be displayed. Change IMEI Command:

Device Manager

  1. To change the IMEI of the module, input the following command and press Enter:

Replace 359231033480797 with the correct IMEI number you intend to use. Be sure to use a valid IMEI number; otherwise, the IMEI may revert to its previous value.

How to use SMSCaster

  1. Open SMSCaster and click on Phone.
  2. Click Update All to check how many ports are working properly.
  3. If some ports do not show properly, check the SIM cards or replace them with different ones.
  4. When changing SIM cards, ensure you shut down the module first. After inserting the new SIM cards, restart the module.

Device Manager

  1. Open SMSCaster and click on Compose.
  2. Input the receiver's number in the To Numbers field if you are sending to just a few numbers.
  3. Enter the message content.
  4. When finished, press Send to Outbox. The SMS will be sent to the Outbox.
  5. Go to the Outbox to view the detailed SMS list.
  6. Choose the ports you want to use for sending the SMS.
  7. Press Send to send out the messages.

Device Manager

  1. Open SMSCaster and click on File.
  2. Select Import Contacts.
  3. Choose the CSV file containing your contact list.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the import process.

Device Manager

It will show the Import Contacts Wizard; press Browse to choose the file you want to import, then click Next.

Device Manager

It will show you which row you want to start from; select Next.

Device Manager

Device Manager

Device Manager

Import contacts succeeded, showing you how many contacts were imported; click Done.

Device Manager

You can see the contact list if the import is successful.

Device Manager

To send the same SMS to all contacts, select All Contacts in To Group, input the message, and choose the port you want to use for sending.

Device Manager

You can set the group by pressing Group > Edit, where you can add numbers to the new group from the imported contacts list.

Device Manager

You can set a pause time between sending each SMS.

Device Manager

Ensure the GSM modem is correctly connected to the computer; if so, all ports will be found in SMSCaster, allowing you to set each port (SIM card) as a designated queue or default.

Device Manager

When you finish all these settings, you can send text messages as needed.

  • Use a designated card send message to a designated group:

Device Manager

  • Use a designated card send message to a designated numbers

Device Manager

You can find all the messages that will be sent by different queues (SIM cards) in the Outbox.

Device Manager

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